
From the latest industry insights to expert careers advice, transition stories to employer case studies, we have all the information you need to get job ready.
Career change is your new career constant
Why you are more prepared to tackle it than you think
How to negotiate your next salary
Evaluating your worth isn’t easy, yet discussing your value and salary aspirations with a civilian employer is a crucial part of securing a new role.
Networking matters - here's why
Discover how to network effectively to impact your civilian job outcomes
New industries and new opportunities for veterans and their loved ones
As a targeted response to the impact COVID-19 had on employment, RFEA is offering a brand new programme, the EM3 Veterans and Families Programme
50+ Job Seekers Guide
Finding yourself searching for your first civilian position after a lifetime of military service is a challenge we recognise.
EM3 Armed Forces Veterans and Families Programme
Putting the focus on veterans, spouses and dependents in the Surrey and Hampshire areas
TechVets talk data science
Guest: Arca Blanca Data Scientist Anna Mackenzie
Why are tech companies actively employing veterans?
More and more tech companies are looking to the veteran community to recruit talent, including TechVets partners NAMOS Solutions
How to plan and prepare for a cyber security career
Adam Malcolm joined the Royal Air Force in May 2013. He subsequently re-rolled and after five years of service he decided to start planning his exit from the military.
Find your cyber fit
Despite a medical discharge, Ron Routledge successfully transitioned from a career in the REME to working as a Cyber Security consultant
Introducing our newest Diversity and Equality Champion, Leanne
Black History Month: Walter Tull
October is Black History Month, and RFEA will be highlighting some of those from the BAME community who have either served in or supported the British Armed Forces
Want to hear about our programmes, partnerships, events and ways that we could support you?